Total Business Solutions from Profile

Welcome to Profile Technology Services Ltd.
No matter what industry your business lies in, with increasingly demanding and global marketplaces, you will need effective business management and IT systems to enable you to remain competitive and profitable. Profile can help you.
We provide hardware, software, networking, consultancy, training, maintenance and support services of the highest quality, which will constitute a total business solution for your organisation. 
As the leading Pegasus Partner in the country and a Pegasus Centre of Excellence with 30 years of experience, we specialise in the SME sector and can offer best-practice advice across a wide range of sectors. By offering the whole Pegasus suite, Profile can build a complete ERP solution to optimise your business. 
For Sales and Solutions Enquiries
Tel: 08000 195101 / 01442 236311

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For Pegasus Support 
Tel: 0345 066 0099 

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For ENS Support

Tel: 0345 520 0099

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As you would expect, with such a large customer base, Profile has worked with companies in a wide range of industries and has provided many of them with total business solutions specifically designed for those particular industries. Sometimes these solutions are based upon ready-made software, often customised for the individual company, sometimes involving complete systems or sub systems.

Whatever your market sector, it is likely that we have more than one solution to put forward to you for your consideration. You will see elsewhere the details of the software brands that we install for our customers and below we list just some of the industries in which Profile has specialists, expertise, experience and solutions.

  • Distribution

    Distributors have to balance increasing customer demands, competitive pressures, and the accelerating spread of manufacturers across the globe. Tighter margins and the unsustainable costs of excess inventory make cost control and efficiency crucial, especially for small to mid-sized companies that can't afford to make mistakes.

    Yet many distributors accept the manual processes, delayed information, warehouse confusion, intuition-based purchasing, inventory errors, and decreasing profits that force them to fight for survival. Whether they move consumer or industrial products, distribution companies that want to thrive in a competitive environment and capture new opportunities will benefit significantly from an integrated, end-to-end business management system.

    For companies in the distribution sector, the priorities are speed and management of procurement, stock, pricing and customer order control. Telesales, bar coding, despatch and multi-location stock holdings are key elements. This is perhaps Profile's area of maximum experience and we can provide the comprehensive business management system to help. At Profile we supply, implement and support market-leading supply chain and ERP solutions, including those from Pegasus and Priority, each with their own advantages depending upon the size and processes and needs of your business. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:
  • Manufacturing

    In today's global and highly competitive market efficient manufacturing practises are vital for manufacturing companies. The ability to respond quickly to your customer's rapidly changing demands could be the difference between you and your competitors.

    Discrete, process and mixed-mode manufacturers face many challenges in the management of raw materials, production processes, and regulatory compliance. Successfully meeting these challenges is critical to profitability and growth. Unfortunately, many manufacturers are limited by business management solutions that do not provide the tools they want and need. The solutions are often designed with isolated and limited production management applications that don’t interface well with corporate systems and data, or they are designed for discrete manufacturing only.

    The right manufacturing system with all the tools needed to manage a company's individual management and processing needs is vital. At Profile we supply, implement and support market-leading manufacturing solutions for discrete, process and mixed mode manufacturers. The solutions we provide, including those from Pegasus and Sage each with their own advantages depending upon the size and processes of your business. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:
  • Construction

    Successful construction companies must juggle a complex collection of resources, trading partners, management processes, and regulatory requirements to meet customer demands. In today's rapidly changing and increasingly complex marketplace, small and midsize construction companies often find themselves responding to the latest crisis and barely keeping up with growth, sometimes at the expense of healthy profits. For the perceptive builder, however, the same challenges can translate into opportunities. Get ahead of change and competitors by streamlining processes, better understanding and controlling costs, and providing more accurate and timely information wherever it is needed by the many participants in your building projects.

    Small and midsize construction companies face a number of unique industry challenges. There's not much you can do about circumstances such as the cyclical nature of the industry, other than learn to manage through the cycles. But many of these challenges can be better met with effective use of information technology designed to help you gain the kind of insight your industry demands for decision-making, streamlining processes, and managing costs.

    Organisations in the construction industry need to deliver construction projects on time and on budget. They need to be able to manage their contracts effectively and flexibly, handling payments from customers, manage retentions, handle the special VAT and taxation arrangements for sub-contractors to meet the demands of the legislation of CIS operations. Analysis and reporting should be state of the art and comprehensive. Profile has significant experience in implementing systems of this type. We know the environment well and the pitfalls to be aware of. We have several products and special software, both standard and bespoke, including those from Pegasus and Priority, each with their own advantages depending upon the size and processes of your business. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:
  • Retail

    Success in sales used to be possible by providing the right product at the right time. However, trends such as self-service, internet shopping and fee based services are challenging small and medium sized businesses to think in new ways about their business, their relationships, and the value they get from their supply chain.

    For the smart retailer, these changes and challenges are creating opportunities to increase profits and grow their businesses. To take advantage of these opportunities, companies need to be able to adapt and respond quickly to the rapidly changing demands of their customers, industry and suppliers without increasing costs.

    Profile has a great number of customers in the retail sector, ranging from small outlets to large, multi-outlet and multi-product superstores. We have consultants that are very familiar with the special challenges of retail trading; Colour, size, labelling, bar coding, special cash and VAT considerations, specialised reporting etc. We can implement standard and bespoke solutions, including those from Pegasus and Priority, for you, fully integrated with back office system with sophisticated reporting and intelligence tools. We also supply hardware such as tills, printers and the other essential EPOS equipment. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:
  • Wholesale

    Wholesalers occupy a middle position in the supply chain between manufacturers and secondary distributors or retailers for a wide range of durable, non-durable, industrial, and consumer products. This position creates particularly unique challenges to profitability. In a competitive global marketplace, where supply networks are becoming increasingly complex and customers demand more choice, faster fulfilment, and lower prices, wholesalers often find themselves pressured from both sides.

    As a result, many struggle to meet their customer's needs and remain profitable. To compete in this pressured supply chain position, a wholesaler must control already tight margins by increasing efficiency and eliminating waste. Yet many find they are hindered by manual or disjointed processes, over stocking, information delays and information that is hidden or unavailable.

    Technology can help by integrating processes, streamlining information flows, and providing easy access to the information required for operational improvement and confident decision-making.

    Wholesalers need flexible and responsive systems, often multi warehouse. They need to handle the ordering speedily and securely, often using bar coding and advanced shipping techniques. Often running trade counters, complete with EPOS. Purchasing, stocking and sales are often handled in diverse units, such as weight, length, pack etc. Tracking margins on sales becomes vital, as margins, in volume businesses, are critical.

    Profile has a number of products addressing the requirements of this sector and we supply, implement and support market-leading supply chain and ERP solutions, including those from Pegasus and Priority, each with their own advantages depending upon the size and processes and needs of your business. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:

  • Professional Services

    Professional Service companies which involve specialised knowledge, skills, education, labor and judgment that is mostly mental or intellectual in nature face many unique challenges in their businesses. There are increasing demands for financial accountability and regulatory compliance, increased price pressure on bids, pricing tied to performance and the need for project reuse to drive profitability. Other challenges like increasingly geographically dispersed teams and increasing reliance on subcontracting all add complexity to project management and accounting.

    Professional Service organisations need to be able to improve project engagement and resource efficiency to reduce costs and improve margins while still maintaining customer satisfaction.

    The right management system can help. At Profile we supply, implement and support market-leading solutions, including those from Pegasus and Priority, each with their own advantages depending upon the size and processes of your business. Profile has particular expertise in providing services to this market, by way of standard and bespoke software. We have implemented a large number of such systems, for engineering firms, recruitment agencies, housing associations, hospitality and conferencing. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

    Solutions include:

  • E-Commerce

    Advances in technology are rapidly evolving the rules of business; enabling lower cost based business and increasingly integrated and automated methods of communication. It does not matter what industry you are in, or the makeup of your customers, you need to find innovative and cost effective ways to compete.

    Many companies are turning to and utilising the internet and e-commerce portals to operate all or part of their business to gain a competitive advantages. Other companies are taking advantage of new technologies to create completely integrated IT-infrastructures. These solutions not only integrate internal communications and systems but also enable companies to communicate and integrate their systems with those of their customer and suppliers.

    Virtually all of our customers have a website, if only for advertising and information dissemination. But, more and more are using websites to enable customers to place orders for goods. Typically, these orders are validated and posted directly into the sales order processing function, thus speeding the whole process, cutting costs and reducing errors. The right business partner can help you to identify or develop the solutions that are right for your company. At Profile we design, supply, implement and support market-leading solutions, with specialists in Web consultancy, design and implementation to help you achieve business growth in this important area.

    Solutions include:

Opera 3


Pegasus Opera 3

Pegasus Opera 3 is a complete business solution: it can be fully integrated throughout your business, removing the need to run separate finance, payroll, CRM or service systems.

Opera 3 SQL SE


Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE

Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE provides the same functionality but with the additional power that a SQL database brings. It allows you to make managing your business dramatically more efficient whilst making it simpler at the same time.






Priority is a comprehensive, flexible and affordable ERP solution that raises the bar on ERP functionality. Offering a more accessible alternative to more complex and costly ERP solutions, Priority covers all the elements of traditional ERP modules.

Operations II


Pegasus Operations II

Operations II is an ideal system for small to medium sized manufacturing companies looking to implement cost effective manufacturing solutions. It is a complete production system that integrates manufacturing management and quality control with the financial system.

Pegasus XRL


Pegasus XRL

Pegasus XRL allows Microsoft Excel to access live data in Opera 3 at the click of a mouse, so you don’t have to copy and paste, re-key or work out formulas.

Pegasus WebXchange


Pegasus WebXchange

The Pegasus Web Xchange is a secure and easy way to access your Opera 3 data on the go - anytime, anywhere and on a number of mobile devices. It will change the way you work and run your business.




Pegasus CIS

Pegasus CIS is a software solution specifically designed for the construction and contracting industries. Not only will it make you fully compliant with the taxman, it'll also bring astonishing efficiencies to your contract management.

Pegasus Capital Gold


Pegasus Capital Gold

Capital Gold has been specifically designed with ease of use in mind. It's intuitive and easy to learn whilst still providing powerful functionality for growing businesses. It's available for both Accounts and Payroll.

Business Hours

Our support Hotline is
available over 8 hours a day

Monday-Friday: 9am to 5:30pm
Weekend: Closed

Contact Us

Sales and Solutions enquiries

Tel: 08000 195101 / 01442 236311

Support and Technical enquiries

Tel: 0345 066 0099


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