Pegasus Opera 3 SE

- Start Here. Go Anywhere.
Being part of a small or medium business doesn't mean you don't have to do the same work as larger businesses to keep your company operational. VAT returns, inventory management, chasing debtors and processing customer orders still have to be completed whether or not you have the resources to dedicate to them, so you need business management tools that enable you to do more with less whilst still being easy to use and deploy.
Opera 3 SQL SE is a solution for small and medium companies with the power to help you aim higher. It allows you to make managing your business dramatically more efficient whilst making it simpler at the same time. Pegasus have designed it with the everyday needs of a small or medium business in mind and you can feel comfortable in its efficiency and security as it is built on Microsoft technologies.
What's inside?
- Microsoft .net and SQL Server technology for security, power and reliability
- Create your own views of your business data with drill-down, create charts and export it to Microsoft Excel
- All the tools you need to see a positive impact on your cashflow
- Credit Management for keeping an eye on customer debts and taking action when you need to
- Detailed, multi-level analysis of your finances
- Your supplier transactions are thoroughly and securely managed and you have total visibility of your commitments
- Repeat invoicing for contract sales invoices
- Submit your VAT returns electronically to HMRC
- Scheduling of many tasks for a time to suit you
- Error correction tools for correcting simple mistakes
- Customisable ribbon bar for easy navigation
For a full list of our Server Side Data Intensive Processes click here.
For an in-depth look at the reasons why you should upgrade to Opera 3 SQL SE click here.
All the benefits of advanced technology are blended with intuitive design and ease of use to enhance the user experience, from hassle-free deployment to everyday use.
If you would like to learn more about Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE or book a meeting with an Account Manager please contact us on 08000 195101 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Modules
Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE comes with many modules, which can be purchased as suites or individually to tailor to your business requirements:
Financials includes:
NEW - Data Connector includes:
- Easy Access to Data: The Data Connector uses modern technology to swiftly access your data and business information.
- User-Friendly Querying: With flexible querying based on OData, you can retrieve information effectively with straightforward, user-friendly access.
- Integration: Connects seamlessly with other well-known business tools such as Microsoft Power BI and Excel
- Automated Alerts: Set up alerts for critical thresholds. Whether it’s low stock levels, exceeded credit limits, or overdue invoices, the Data Connector can notify you instantly.
- AI-Driven Decision Making: Leverage artificial intelligence tools to answer pressing questions. Use it to predict future sales based on historical data
- Read the Data Connector datasheet to learn more
NEW - AP Automation includes:
- Automatic Accounts Payable function for capturing & processing your invoices.
- Flexible workflow approval methods.
- Uses OCR and AI to capture documents in any language, currency or format.
- Drill downs to specific suppliers and their invoices to highlight the status of each invoice.
- Duplicate invoice checks.
- Posts directly to Opera 3 SQL SE PL once approved.
- Read the AP Automation datasheet to learn more
Fixed Assets includes:
- Multiple methods of depreciation: Straight Line Amount, straight Line Percentage, Reducing Balance, Immediate Write-down, Manual.
- Depreciation caluclated per period or days in a period.
- Ability to change depreciation method.
- Links to Purchase Ledger and Nominal Ledger, with option to add Cost Centre and Advanced Nominal analysis.
- Read the Fixed Assets datasheet to learn more
Supply Chain Management includes:
Bill of Materials includes:
Sales Pipeline Manager includes:
Payroll includes:
- HMRC PAYE Recognition
- Submit Real Time Information (RTI) to HMRC
- Pegasus P11D Organiser: Manage Expenses and Benefits
- Reporting
- Links to the Nominal Ledger and Cashbook modules
- of Opera 3 SQL SE or can be used stand-alone
- Read the Payroll Datasheet to learn more
Pegasus XRL includes:
- Accuracy of Data Transfer ensures accurate analysis and results
- Drilldown to specific data
- Powerful analytical tools provide instant management information which can be used for forecasting
- Enhanced Reporting Power; Allowing you more time to produce a detailed analysis
- Read the Pegasus XRL datasheet to learn more
If you would like to learn more about Pegasus Opera 3 SQL SE or book a meeting with an Account Manager please contact us on 08000 195101 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.